PGA of America Golf Professional Brittany Wowelko served as a guest panelist at the Syracuse Crunch Women in Sport Panel on Feb. 22 at The OnCenter. The event took place prior to the Crunch hockey game.


The panel discussed the work and responsibilities as women in sports and athletic fields.


Syracuse Crunch photo


Besides Wowelko, the Central New York PGA’s Director of Foundation Programs and Marketing, the other accomplished women on the panel were:


*Syracuse Crunch Vice President of Corporate Partnerships Andrea Marino


*American Hockey League Vice President of Hockey Operations/Governance Alison Izzi


*Professor of Practice at the David B. Falk College Department of Sport Management at Syracuse University Sue Cornelius Edson


*Syracuse University Director of Strength and Conditioning in the Nutrition and Spirit Program Veronica Tearney.


A portion of the proceeds from admission to the panel will benefit Women in Sports and Events (WISE) at Syracuse University.